
Together we go deeper in our knowledge and understanding.

Life is full of opportunities to grow stronger and better. As followers of Christ, we devote ourselves to His teachings, and to helping others learn more about Jesus.


We believe small groups are a vital part of our community. It's where we build strong, life-long relationships. It's where we learn, grow, and get stronger together. It's the place where we bring prayer and study to our neighborhoods. We believe in doing life together, and would love for you to be a part.

Sunday School

A traditional form of small groups is the Sunday School class. Our Sunday morning small groups are thriving and nurturing their members to grow in faith and service.

10:00 AM

Escuela Biblica |Conference Room A
Spanish speaking Bible study.

Hope |215
Christian study and discussion.

New Life | L68
Scripture-based study and discussion.

Wesley | L65/67
Bible study based on Christian living.

Young Adult | Shalom Room
Bible and Christian life discussion.

When you take the light of the church and combine it with the love of a family, you increase the potential to impact a kid’s life!

 Chrildren and Family Ministries at Peoria First UMC is committed to helping families grow in faith together, equipping them with the tools they need to allow God to be a part of their every day lives. We can’t wait to PARTNER with you on what is sure to be an exciting adventure!

Your children's safety is important to us.

Our secure registration and check-in process helps us show the love and care to your precious ones that they deserve.
"I had a great weekend, the worship was awesome, and I met a lot of new people,"

That's a quote from one of our youth group participants that gets to the heart of this vital part of our ministry work. Director of Youth Ministries Christina Koeppel lovingly challenges our teens to be all that they can be for Jesus, while experiencing the deep things of faith through even the most light-hearted of activities. Our young people don't just express faith, they practice it through serving others and growing deeper in their love for Jesus. 


Our library offers a wonderful variety of resources to help you study, learn, and grow. It's located in the hallway behind the coffee bar in the Gathering Space.