Get Social with Youth Ministries

"I grew closer to God in ways I didn't even know I could."

- Anna Lampe

"I grew closer to God in ways I didn't even know I could."

- Anna Lampe

"I grew closer to God in ways I didn't even know I could."

- Anna Lampe

We Have a Place For YOU

Small Group Wednesdays

Join us for a time to eat, laugh, play some games, and learn from the Word.

Every Wednesday
6PM • Dinner • Worship Center
6:30PM • Praise and Worship • Worship Center
6:45PM • Small Group  • Youth Room

Grades 6 - 12

Youth Sunday School

Grow deeper in your faith while becoming a more committed disciple.

Every Sunday
9:45AM • Youth Room

Grades 6 - 12


Confirmation Class

Youth grades 6 -12 are invited to join us for Confirmation Class.
The goal of Confirmation Class is to publicly declare your faith and become a member of the church. During the class, we will be looking at a variety of topics from God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to the vows you will take during the confirmation services on June 8.

We will be meeting Sunday afternoons starting March 23.

Beulah Summer Camp

Students entering grades 8 - 12.
 June 15 - 21.

We will be looking at CHOSEN and our base verse will be
1 Peter 2:9.
The early bird rate is $275 before May 1. After May 1, the cost is $300.

Sign up is now open! Please register early! This helps the core team and me with planning. Be sure to join our group "FUMC Peoria". Our passcode is Peoria 1. If it does not say you are registering as a part of Peoria FUMC, let me know!

Youth Summer Mission Trip

The youth are on mission to Lake Traverse Reservation in Sisseton, South Dakota. They will learn about the Dakota people's culture while partnering with the community to meet the needs of their residents.

Students Currently in grades 7 - 12
Saturday, June 28 – Friday, July 4
Cost: $350 per person - $50 nonrefundable deposit.

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Director of Youth Ministries, Christina Koeppel, is probably sitting next to her computer right now just waiting to hear from you. You should feel honored.