Our "Anchor Store" Approach
Our Missions Team has developed a strategy of thinking of the regions we most heavily invest our time, talents, and giving as being like anchor stores in a mall...

Our Missionaries
Here's a powerful tool to help you learn more about the missionaries we support and where they serve. As you navigate this resource, you'll also learn more about the difference our prayers and resources are making as we support these transformational works around the world.

Kate's Great Adventure
Kate Rolffs has followed her heart and found her mission.
As our very own homegrown missionary, Kate will be serving with World Race Gap Year, a program of Adventures in Missions, through September of next year...
As our very own homegrown missionary, Kate will be serving with World Race Gap Year, a program of Adventures in Missions, through September of next year...

A Transforming Partnership
The Honduras Mission Team was in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, from August 6-13. Tegucigalpa is the capital of Honduras with a population of 1.5 million. Honduras is one of the poorest countries in Central America; over half the population lives in poverty.
The purpose of the trip was to encourage and grow disciples of Jesus Christ through an ongoing relationship with our partner church, Aposento Alto (Upper Room) United Methodist...

Building A School
A new mission opportunity has created a wave of excitement. The FUMC missions team became aware of Korsen, Liberia and its need for a school building at the Liberia Partners’ Summit this past April. There are 200 students already attending school in this small bush village in Nimba County, approximately one and a half hours away from Ganta. The students attend school in the Methodist Church and other private buildings...

A Gift That Keeps Giving
Since 2016, FUMC has support nursing student Charlesetta in her pursuit to earn her Bachelor's degree at the School of Nursing in Ganta, Liberia, where the United Methodist University College of Health Sciences is located. Charlesetta came to us with the highest GPA of any student we've ever supported - a 4.0...