We lift our voices, we lift our hands, we lift our hearts and seek to worship God. Our prayer is that our varied worship services will lift the Name of Jesus higher.

Traditional Worship
Our traditional worship service has deep roots in this community, glorifying God with timeless music, powerful liturgy, and Bible-centered teaching. This worship encounter features choral music and relevant hymnody, accentuated by the beautiful pipe organ and grand piano. Pastor Tim Ozment brings a message that is clear and powerful. The Traditional Service meets in the Sanctuary at 8:30 and 11:15 on Sunday mornings.

Renew Worship
Renew is a modern worship experience with a refreshing blend of contemporary music and lively, Biblical teaching. Our live band leads us in lifting the Name of Jesus with music made popular by modern day worship leaders like Chris Tomlin, Elevation, Vertical Worship, and Hillsong. Pastor Tim Ozment brings clear and relevant teaching that focuses our attention on Jesus. Renew meets at 9:45 on Sunday mornings in the Worship Center.

Renuevo Worship
Reneuvo is our energetic, bilingual service that has roots in our Latino population, but spreads out to all who love worshipping and learning. The music of worship is the same as our Renew service, but presented in both Spanish and some English. Pastor Adrian Garcia brings spirit-led, Bible-focused teaching, while his wife, Lilly, provides translation. Whether you speak Spanish or not, you'll find this to be a compelling, life-changing experience. Renuevo meets at 11:15 on Sunday mornings in the Worship Center.
Alive Worship
Alive is a casual worship encounter that ministers the love of Jesus to the hurting and hungry community around us. Part of our Loaves and Fish ministry on Saturday mornings, Alive comes alongside our effort to feed, clothe, and heal those in need by providing for spiritual wellness. Various teachers help make this lively event a helpful, Bible-based encounter with Jesus. Alive meets at 10:30 on Saturday mornings in the lower level.