A Unique Way of Understanding How We Do Missions
Our Missions Team has developed a strategy of thinking of the regions we most heavily invest our time, talents, and giving as being like anchor stores in a mall.
These regions are:
Czech Republic
We support numerous missionaries with Josiah Venture and at Beskydy Mountain Academy (BMA). We have deeply invested in a capital project at BMA, receiving three to seven BMA students for a month every summer since 2010, and sending numerous mission teams.
We have supported Camphor Mission since 2006 and are getting more deeply invested with the School of Nursing at Ganta (apart of United Methodist University). We helped fund the buildings now occupied by the School of Nursing, continuing to support missionaries there, and taking short-term teams there. We are active Partners with the Liberia Annual Conference of the UMC.
We are in partnership with a sister church, Fuerzas Unidas UMC. We have sent missions teams annually for many years, supporting a clinic and outreach program, and continually seeking the ways in which God is leading us to give support.
This is a descriptive name we use for our Community Ministries including Loaves & Fish, Neutral Ground, Morton Park Soccer, Lincoln School Ministries, Police Prayer, and Benevolence ministries.
Changes to our Loose Offering format supports these "anchor stores" by grouping our giving into regions or ministries. Watch for the unveiling of our 2019 Missions Mall Map in the months to come. This is a dynamic plan that visually depicts our annual missions giving and focus.
These regions are:
Czech Republic
We support numerous missionaries with Josiah Venture and at Beskydy Mountain Academy (BMA). We have deeply invested in a capital project at BMA, receiving three to seven BMA students for a month every summer since 2010, and sending numerous mission teams.
We have supported Camphor Mission since 2006 and are getting more deeply invested with the School of Nursing at Ganta (apart of United Methodist University). We helped fund the buildings now occupied by the School of Nursing, continuing to support missionaries there, and taking short-term teams there. We are active Partners with the Liberia Annual Conference of the UMC.
We are in partnership with a sister church, Fuerzas Unidas UMC. We have sent missions teams annually for many years, supporting a clinic and outreach program, and continually seeking the ways in which God is leading us to give support.
This is a descriptive name we use for our Community Ministries including Loaves & Fish, Neutral Ground, Morton Park Soccer, Lincoln School Ministries, Police Prayer, and Benevolence ministries.
Changes to our Loose Offering format supports these "anchor stores" by grouping our giving into regions or ministries. Watch for the unveiling of our 2019 Missions Mall Map in the months to come. This is a dynamic plan that visually depicts our annual missions giving and focus.